May 2018 Newsletter from Elizabeth Minchilli in Italy

may 2018 newsletter

Sorry, but all I have on my mind these days is that MY BOOK IS COMING OUT!!! Does it seem like I’ve been saying this forever? Me too! But the day is finally here: May 29 Eating My Way Through Italy will be published!! To celebrate I’ll be in the States, on book tour. I hope to finally meet as many of you as possible!! And although I've mentioned it before, here is a an updated list of all the places that I’ll be:
• New York •
May 22, Via Carota: A special dinner inspired by the recipes in my new book. It will be a fixed menu, and you can reserve here. Spaces are still available and you can decide what time you would like to come, anytime between 5 and 11:00 . I'll be there the entire time (yes, staying up later than usual!) . Books will be available for sale, even though, officially, the book does not come out until May 29. So it’s a chance to get a copy before anyone else! Also, I"m going to hold off publishing the link on social media for another day, which will give you a chance to sign up before anyone else.
May 23, Eataly Flatiron: I’ll be demonstrating 3 dishes from my book, which you’ll get to eat! Also? You can pre-order the book, to make sure you get your copy ahead of the publication date. (only a few spaces left) Click here to sign up.
• Boston •
May 29, Eataly Boston: I’ll be demonstrating 3 dishes from my book, which you’ll get to eat! A copy of my book is included in the price of the ticket. (only a few spaces left) Click here to sign up.
May 30, Sportello: Cocktail reception and book signing at Barbara Lynch’s restaurant in downtown Boston. Barbara will be there too, and there will be drinks and snacks. Here is the link to sign up.
• Washington, DC •
May 31, Smithsonian Institution “More Than Just a Meal: Italian Cuisine as a Key to Culture.” I’ll be chatting with author (and friend!) Ann Mah about food. There will be books and also wine and snacks!! Click here to buy your ticket.
June 1: Via UmbriaI’ll be at Via Umbria the evening of June 1. There are actually 3 separate events that night. First there is a cocktail reception from 5-7pm (click here to register). The cocktail reception is free. The 7:00pm dinner is sold out (Sorry!) , but there are still a few spots left for the 8:30 dinner. Click here to register.
• Los Angeles •
June 3: Now Serving: I’ll be at Now Serving, the super cool bookstore, chatting with Evan Kleiman on Sunday evening from 6:45 to 8:00pm. Far East Plaza, 727 N. Broadway, Unit 133
June 4: AR Cucina: Dinner at my friend Akasha Richardson’s restaurant AR Cucina. Akasha will be preparing an entire menu with recipes from my book, including wines chosen especially for the meal. There will be books for sale too. Click
• San Francisco •
June 6, The Italian Cultural Institute: I’ll be chatting with Evan again, this time at The Italian Cultural Institute at 6pm. Books for sale and signing, and a reception to follow.
June 7 Omnivore Books: I”ll be signing books at Omnivore Bookstore in San Francisco. My last event before I fly back to Rome!!

what's new
Sophie and I are heading up to Umbria next week, for our Week in Umbria May 2018 tour. It’s the first one that we are doing in the spring, and I”m looking forward to showing our guests how incredibly green this part of the world is this time of year. The fields are almost neon green, since there has been so much rain! Also the poppies have started to bloom and so has the Spanish broom with its yellow flowers. If you’d like to join us next year in Umbria just send me an email. We have spots open for October 2019, and we are hosting our May Week in Umbria 2019 with our good friend, chef and radio host Evan Kleiman!
Although most of our tours for the rest of 2018 are full, we still have a a few spots open for our Week in Rome Tour in November. I have to admit that I planned the tour during this time because it's my favorite time of year in Rome. Not too hot, cool enough to enjoy walking around Rome and eating way too much. Also? It's one of the lowest times of year, tourist-wise. Add to this that Norwegian Air has just started direct flights from the USA to Italy and the price of a ticket to Rome is less than taking the train from NYC to Boston. For real. What are you waiting for? Send me an email, and I'll tell you all about it.
And we still have spaces in all three of our tours for 2019:Puglia, Rome and Umbria. Have a look at my website for descriptions and dates. And I"ll be adding a few special themed tours as well!

what I'm watching
Did you ever wonder how burrata is made?
Was this type of outfit really ever considered normal?
I must have watched all of these Conan-does-Italy videos at least 10 times.
Who else is binge-watching Lost in Space?
what I'm reading
A Little Life: Hands down the best book I’ve read in a long time. It’s long, and it’s challenging material, but so beautifully written.
When your best friend’s recipe for apple pie appears in the latest episode of the Simpsons.
This article on Siena’s Palio was very controversial. The Sienese hated it. But the point of the article was precisely what it feels like to an outsider. I loved it. But then I’m an outsider.
I guess I’m not the only one who buys socks at the same shop at the Pope.
Did you know that Italy and Israel were at war? About artichokes?
and finally....
As you know I send out this monthly newsletter as close to the first of the month as possible (are the months shorter, or is it just me?). You will also be receiving a second email ,about mid month, with a round up of my most recent blog posts. I just wanted to let you know!!