I hope you enjoy this monthly round up of recent blog posts.
Tramezzini for a Cocktail Party
June 7, 2023
Tramezzini and I were not always friends. I blame this lack of openness to a little triangular sandwich on my father. While he first introduced me to pizza, pasta and other kinds of panini back in the 1970s when we first moved to Italy, tramezzini were not on his greatest hits list. And so I too scoffed at these odd little sandwiches which featured two of the food groups banned by my father: white bread and mayonnaise.
Vegetable Tart with Burrata
June 8, 2023
I’m all about easy when it comes to summer cooking. The less I have to do the better. Vegetable Tart with Burrata (Tortino di Vedura con Burrata) is one of those back-pocket recipes I took home with me from Puglia while I was working on my book The Italian Table.
I'm in Turin next week, so the tramezzino post really got my attention and I'll be checking all this out myself. I too wasn't excited by tramezzini until just recently. You have to eat the right ones, let's say because there are so many bad versions out there.
If you don’t like mayonnaise, then chose another kind of party 😂 I love this line so much!